The desire to learn is the keystone to becoming a great equestrian. ByWay Farms offers four unique clinics to help riders and trainers further their education.
Trainers Clinic
The trainers clinic is not just about teaching you – it’s about teaching you to teach others. When you bring your green or problem horses and ponies to a trainers clinic you’ll learn how and why they are behaving the way do and how and why different techniques will or won’t work. With that new level of understanding, you’ll be able to better train all of the horses in your barn.
Pseudo Horseshow Clinic
During a Pseudo Horseshow Clinic participants perform as if they were in the show ring. They are judged and placed. Then Merilee reviews in detail with each rider why they were pinned in that particluar order and what they can do to improve their place at their next show. Very often students find that it isn’t necessarily their riding that caused them to place lower than expected but their understand of what the judge is looking at.
Parents Clinic
Horseshow parents spend more time and money on their children’s sport than any other sport. Yet many of them don’t really know what they can do to help and support their rider beyond that. The parents clinic opens up a whole new world of admiration and understanding as Merilee instructs students and then explains to the parents what they are doing and why. Not only does it allow the parents to better support their riders but it makes watching the sport that much more enjoyable.
Leveled Teaching Clinic
A classic take on the riding clinic, students are separated by riding level and provided detailed instruction on particular pieces of their riding habits. Regardless of level, riders will take away information that can be applied not only to their riding ability but to their relationship with the horse.
Contact us today to learn more about our upcoming clinics or to schedule your own.
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